Charly was born in Cirebon on November 5, 1981. His parents are Soegendri and Toethe Hartika. His grand mother is from Cirebon who is a famous puppet singer and his uncle is a dangdut musician

Charlie moved to Bandung in 2000 to study Art and Music at University of Pasundan Bandung, West Java.

Charly started his career as a vocalist on January 20, 2005. Charly with his friends : Ilham Febry aka Pepep (drum), Dedy Sudrajat aka Pepeng (gitar), and Iman Rush (gitar, died in Semarang, in 2005) founded ST 12 Band. They came from different music backgrounds, met in a rental music studio of Pepep in Stasiun Timur 12 street, Bandung. That's why the band name is ST 12. ST is Stsiun Timur and 12 is the number of the house.

In 2005, ST 12 lauched its first album. And started its star when Trinity Optima Production supported the albums. The best songs ST 12 2008: Puspa, Putri Iklan (2010).After succeeding with ST 12, Charlie founded Charlie's Angels, consist of three girls.

Pics : Google
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